Sunday, 6 November 2011

Commissioned work

I have not long completed this piece of which I was asked to paint, this was an enjoyable experience and I have learned from the last piece how to work a painting quicker and when to let areas dry. This piece has been well recieved and I am pleased with the result.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Painting for the sake of earning money

I have neglected the M.A of late due to family illness but also because I was commissioned for a painting that would of consisted of eight people, two of which have died. It was a difficult piece and a task that I didn't want to do, however as an artist were my skills can be of use to earn money.

What I have struggled with is creating this piece from different photographs taken at different times, some taken a few years ago it was a difficult piece to create these images have been put together using photoshop.

I have to admit I hate doing commissions because paintings are not photographs!!! 
I have had to remove the childrens faces because they are in the process of being adopted.

This painting as much as I hate has made me realise that I do need to take more time when creating work, to step away and reflect.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Fighting Dogs - Final stages

As this piece has drawn to a conclusion, I did feel that I needed some critical guidance so I contacted Jonathan and he really helped me with guidence to allow me to finish this piece.

Jonathan and I discussed the energy of the individuals within this piece, furthermore we talked about the position of the eyes of the individuals. Because I had concerns that the eyes of both individuals do not connect however after discussions, I have left the eyes because it causes more disfunction and displacement. Furthermore it creates a sense of the viewer being dragged into the situation.

I do feel that this piece is concluded, the energy and movement is successful for me personally, I am interested in extending the idea of movement and energy, and possibly aggression.
The reason I am interested in the idea of keeping the aggression within work is because after talking to Jonathan he did ask why the aggression which is so potent. I have realised that I am very stressed at the moment and actually this has been reflected within the painting in a positive reaction.

"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war"

This is a quote that Jonathan has posted on the MA blog site and the link discusses the use of the word 'Dogs at war'  and how shakespear used this type of vocabulary to describe war, and the acts by soldiers, very interesting knowledge gained.  

Fighting Dogs - Continued work in Progress

Fighting Dogs - Work in Progress

I had to turn the painting to start the second figure.

Once I had achieved the facial structure of the second figure I was able to turn the painting back round. 

Fighting Dogs - work in progress

More photographs of the ongoing work in progress, expanding the painting in sections of the figures as well as the background around the figures.

Fighting Dogs - Work in Progress

I am including the photographs that reflect my work in progress.